Are you an environmentalist who is concerned about landfills? Do you have a pile of unworn clothes and want to throw them away? All you want to know is about the circularity idea. One could get astonished to see that you can recycle your clothes just like paper. With the new fashion trends, people fall into the trap of buying more clothing than required each day. The clothes you think are of no use anymore ends up in the garbage at your home, adding to the landfill. Also, the increase in demand and hike in production in the textile industry has led to the manufacturing of low-quality clothes with less life.
The textile industry in Australia has increased 10 percent more from 2018 to 2019. During the pandemic, people are more into online shopping for clothes. The online platforms have made it more convenient to buy extra clothing from home to post it on social media. The circularity system replaces the take, make and dispose pattern into make, use, reuse, remake, and recycle. It is a simple way to contribute to Mother Earth at your home. You buy a garment made in the industry and use it. Then reuse it until it stays in good condition. The remake part means stitching and reusing garments if possible. If you still cannot use your clothes, then recycle them.
Benefits of reusing and recycling your clothes
Lesser greenhouse gases
Clothing composed of natural fibres (cotton, linen, wool) can decompose quickly. The essential element required for decomposition is oxygen. Lack of oxygen leads to putrefaction through anaerobic digestion leading to breaking down of the organic manner, producing byproducts like methane. Methane gas is a greenhouse gas that causes harmful greenhouse effects. These gases are detrimental to the environment as they can emit heat and affect climate change. It can warm up the atmosphere 80 times more than carbon dioxide.
Lesser landfills
One can save a lot of expanse or space by reusing the garments as they don’t end up in landfills. Landfills are destructive in several ways. It affects the environment, space and community health. When one recycles clothes and other goods, they save a lot of space and decrease methane production. Methane emissions can affect people residing near the areas of the landfills. A considerable level of methane in the air can cause vomiting, vision problems, memory-related problems, nausea, etc.
Saves energy
The textile industry utilises a lot of energy for its production. When you start reusing your clothes, the demand decreases, thus decreasing the production rates. It can save a lot of energy. All kinds of clothes, from scarves to wedding gowns, have undergone a lengthy manufacturing process that consumes a significant quantity of electricity, water, and other forms of energy. Also, recycling involves less energy compared to manufacturing a garment from scratch. Similarly, when you buy recycled clothing, you help reduce the trend of quick fashion on the market.
Simple process
Switching yourself entirely from plastic to paper materials may be difficult. It is not always possible to buy your favourite chocolate wrapped in a biodegradable material. But the circularity strategy is simple and easy to handle. It is what you can change at your own house. You can educate your spouse and children about this system and check on their wardrobes to create a good impact on the environment. Donating your clothes to the needy takes less time than throwing them off into the bin. It requires less effort from you yet contributes to a healthy environment and the poor people.