In today’s world, earning a solid living can be very difficult without a college degree. There are, of course, many trades that can pay well, especially if you own a business. Running a business is not easy and not everyone has what it takes to be successful running their own company. Earning a bachelor’s degree in a field that interests you may be the best way to land a job that fulfills you, pays well, and that you enjoy.
With computer technology and the internet, you can earn a degree from the comfort of your own home. this saves money on on-campus housing, meal plans, and perhaps transportation. Tuition can still be expensive and being saddled with student loans for decades upon graduation is quite a financial burden. There are, however, universities that offer degree programs at a greatly reduced tuition rate or even free. Yes, free!
Columbia University
You may be surprised to learn that Columbia, the prestigious Ivy League university, located uptown in Manhattan offers affordable online degree programs. The institution is dedicated to providing a quality education to all who desire one.
Columbia University’s financial aid packages include only grants and no loans. There’s nothing to pay back after graduation. It gets even better. Families that earn $60,000 or less per year will be charged no tuition or fees. A completely free online degree program. For families that earn $100,00 or less per year, tuition rates are reduced significantly for these programs.
University of the People
University of the People is the first of its kind. A fully accredited, online university that is tuition-free. There is, however, a $60 application fee, and each exam taken costs $100. These fees can add up as an associate’s degree requires 20 exams and a bachelor’s 40. The university offers scholarships to those who can’t afford exam fees.
Programs are offered for associate’s or bachelor’s degrees in health science and computer science. Students can also earn an MBA. The school is recognized by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission as well as the United States Department of Education.
Stanford University
Stanford University, located in Northern California, is one of the best research universities in the country. A degree from Stanford carries considerable weight in the market. There are seven schools from which to choose, including science, engineering, law, education, and business.
The school is sensitive to families who can’t afford to send their children to college and has created programs to help. Families whose annual income is less than $65,000 pay no tuition, housing, or other fees. Those who earn less than $150,000 yearly pay no tuition. Stanford offers outstanding financial aid packages with about 70% of the student body receiving aid.
Education is one of the keys to success in any field. A college degree is helpful and in many cases, necessary. Attending a good university and earning a degree can be expensive and beyond the means of many families. Fortunately, there are excellent colleges that offer financial aid packages and even free tuition that can help students avoid the long-time burden of student loans.